Saturday, October 17, 2009

Popularly hip and flip Havaianas

Havaianas sandals hardly need an introduction as they have become a mainstay in everyone’s wardrobes over the last couple of years. The appeal of Havaianas is that they come in such a dazzling array of colors, styles, and shapes that there must be a pair for you and … how can you have just one?

In practical terms these flip-flops are really durable and undeniably hip – especially when worn with a string of bikini and Gisele Bindchen body (which I really love to think every hour, every minute). The ultra-high quality of Havaianas is due to a top-secret rubber recipe created exclusively by Alpartagas. Hmmmm... sounds like that they one-upped the Colonel.

The Havaianas website claims that since their, 2.2 billion pairs of Havaianas sandals have been produced and sold throughout the world and that if the sandals were laid end to end, they would go around the world 50 times.

Talk about being popular. Well, quality sells. These sandals are extremely wearable, versatile, and are touted as “best rubber sandals in the world.” Wear your Havaianas now and be popularly hip.