Blackberry Bold 9700 is slick, handy, and weighs lighter compared to other smart phones I have used in the past. It is the slimmest Blackberry that I have ever seen. The phone has many multimedia functions and features useful for my lifestyle.
One of these features is its touchpad, which I use in typing words and swiping the phone’s function keys. Although my Blackberry Bold 9700 has a touchpad, I prefer using its versatile keyboard because I feel more comfortable keying-in words and characters. I can call freely using my phone’s Wi-Fi with an Unlicensed Mobile Access or UMA technology. The phone’s operating system is a Blackberry OS 5.0, which is simple and easy to operate and navigate using either the touchpad or keyboard.
Blackberry Bold 9700’s camera has specs of 3.2 megapixel which have a changeable zoom, autofocus, flash and image stabilization. The pictures that I have taken using my phone are of good quality, clear and perceptible. The phone’s video recording is excellent that the videos I have recorded remained visible and crisply clear compared to other smart phones I have used.
The video playback of this phone is impressive because I never saw any pixilation. The phone’s spec and display is the best; it has a 480-by-360-pixel resolution combined with its magnificent Blackberry OS 5.0. I can play my favorite songs using my Blackberry with good sound quality of the Blackberry OS 5.0 music software.